Join the Exciting MOBOTIX A&E Program!

A service especially for architects, consultants and engineers…

...for perfectly coordinated projects from the conception phase and durable solutions for the most demanding environmental conditions. MOBOTIX is a pioneer in IP video technology, developer and producer of premium solutions with a development and production site in Germany. We are happy to provide you with customized information and inform you about product innovations. Contact us today and get access to extensive documentation and tools to support your projects. In addition, a service team is at your disposal to help you as much as possible and to achieve the best possible results right from the start.

MOBOTIX is the premium manufacturer for IP video surveillance systems, ‚Made in Germany‘. MOBOTIX AG proudly confirms that all MOBOTIX products and systems comply with the requirements of the United States National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and are 100% NDAA-compliant. As a MOBOTIX A&E Partner you will benefit from our experience and expertise.


Contact us for more information

Architects & Engineers

Join the Exciting MOBOTIX A&E Program!

Ein Service speziell für Architekten, Planer und Ingenieure...

... für perfekt koordinierte Projekte von der Konzeptionsphase an mit langlebigen Lösungen für anspruchsvollste Umgebungsbedingungen. MOBOTIX ist ein Pionier in der IP-Videotechnik, Entwickler und Hersteller von Premium-Lösungen mit Entwicklungs- und Produktionsstandort in Deutschland. Gerne beraten wir Sie individuell und informieren Sie über neuste Produktinnovationen. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und erhalten Sie Zugang zu umfangreichen Dokumentationen und Tools zur Unterstützung Ihrer Projekte. Darüber hinaus steht Ihnen ein Serviceteam zur Verfügung, um Sie bestmöglich zu unterstützen und von Anfang an die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

MOBOTIX ist der Premiumhersteller für IP-Videoüberwachungssysteme "Made in Germany". Als MOBOTIX A&E Partner profitieren Sie von unserer Erfahrung und Kompetenz.


Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen


The requirements for some IP video surveillance systems can be extremely complex and demanding. That's why we offer you a range of tools that make your work much easier. Benefit from our expertise and reduce the planning effort significantly.


Get access to our extensive technical documentation and the wide range of information on MOBOTIX products, including white papers on vertical markets.​


In order to relieve you as much as possible, a team of experienced specialists is available to provide you with individual support as early as the bidding phase and throughout the entire project period. ​

  • Personal Consulting​
  • Specialized Support​
  • Planning Service​
  • Calculation Service​
  • Tender Texts​
Architects & Engineers

Information that support architects and planners in order to support reliable and intelligent IP Video solutions Made In Germany.

Search tender texts

MOBOTIX HUB Tender Texts (application/zip, 1.14 MB)
Word File for all HUB Levels

Information that supports architects and planners to design reliable and intelligent IP Video solutions.

To the tender texts


Our image catalog also contains product images for all MOBOTIX products:

Download MOBOTIX image catalog

MOBOTIX A&E Program Flyer (PDF, 1.82 MB)
MOBOTIX HUB Tender Texts (application/zip, 1.14 MB)
Word File for all HUB Levels

Stay informed

  • Newsletter (register here)
  • Prioritized product information
  • EOL announcements
  • Technology/solution white papers
  • Events and Trainings




System Design Support

  • MOBOTIX Toolbox for design and construction documents
  • Project Engineers
  • On&Offline materials for easier and faster planning
  • Multilingual content
  • Schematics and images
  • Certifications and test reports


  • MOBOTIX Project planer with 3D CAD Software Integration
  • MOBOTIX Device Images
  • MOBOTIX Configurator and Selector  – iOS , Android & Online
  • MOBOTIX Coverage and Lens Selection Tool