Six Key Areas in Ski Resorts Where you can protect people and values and monitor operations with MOBOTIX video technology: Access to the Lift Inside the Lift Lift/Mountain Station/Slope Hotels and Guesthouses Gastronomy and Retail Public areas and spaces Discover all areas of application of MOBOTIX video technology in ski resorts in our flyer: MOBOTIX Video Technology in Ski Resorts (PDF, 1.42 MB) | DE | EN | ES | FR | IT MOBOTIX 7 Apps Reliable solutions for your protection during a pandemic Personen automatisch zählen und Überfüllung von Bereichen erkennen Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes erkennen Unterstützung von Social Distancing Kontaktlose Erkennung von temperaturauffälligen Personen Talk to us. We will be happy to help you keep the ski season going in your region too. Tel +49 6302 9816-103 International Sales Sales Телефон +49 6302 9816-103 Get in contact now