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#AlarmManagement #Alarms #Notification #Software #Communication

Powerful software platform for critical alarms

IQ Messenger improves alarm processes for Healthcare, Industry and Government projects based on its powerful message broker function. The apps and integrations of IQ Messenger aim to bring the right information to the right person, at the right time and to the right device.

IQ Messenger has an enriched integration with MOBOTIX. Through bi-directional communication a smart work processes can be realized. MOBOTIX smart sensors have functionalities that IQ Messenger can start up, for example:

• Activate privacy mode or switch off detections: Sensors automatically pause when (healthcare) professionals enter room

• Starting video recording of the event: In case of a critical event such as an aggression alarm or insult, the record function starts. IQ Messenger can send a camera image of your choice in alarm notifications.

• Starting speak-listen connection: In case of an alarm, IQ Messenger can start a speak-listen connection between the client/patient and care professional.

• Combine data: Reports from the sensors form an interesting data set as a client dashboard

The joint solution is unique because the possibilities of MOBOTIX combined with the IQ Messenger platform are endless.


Key Features & Benefits

Medical class II certified
Versatile application
Efficient work process
Higher productivity
Relieve Personnel workload
Focus on care where it is actually needed
More privacy for patients
Reduce alarm fatigue

Contact us for further information on IQ Messenger

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