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#Arcules #CloudVMS #Integration #ThermalAnalytics #BacktoWork #BackonTrack #WorkplaceSafety

Get Back to Work Safely with MOBOTIX Thermal Camera Integration with Arcules

Arcules is an established leader in cloud-based video surveillance that has the ability to quickly and easily adapt to the changing needs of today’s businesses as they create a safer workplace for their employees, visitors and customers.

MOBOTIX Thermal Imaging cameras, integrated with the Arcules Cloud Video Solution, can be used as a non-touch method to screen employees and visitors for elevated temperatures. Live SMS alerts or Emails notify on-site staff members to respond when temperature trigger levels are met. Based on these immediate notifications, individuals can be further screened upon entering the facility to ensure the health and well-being of others.

The Arcules cloud-based video surveillance, together with MOBOTIX, turns video data into valuable insights to help your business run more efficiently.

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Key Features & Benefits

Hands-free screening of employees and visitors for elevated temperatures
Email or SMS alerts when temperature trigger levels are met
Display live alarm status on a monitor
Frictionless and scalable temperature detection
Set up within minutes

Contact us for further information on Arcules

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