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#Telethermography #Temperature Measurement #Temperature Safety System #Remote Temperature Monitoring #Temperature Measurement and Trending


Temperature is the process variable that causes the highest failure rate in production processes. Temperature weakens equipment components, destroys machinery and causes fires in critical infrastructures. Having a production process with minimal variability, warehouses with hazardous materials, accumulation of combustible materials, machinery and equipment working with overload, without a preventive temperature monitoring system, the chances of a catastrophic event are very high. Having an effective, technologically robust solution like LAMSCAM that does not require the installation of sensors at multiple points, that acts before overtemperature occurs, generating alarms, reportability and with a quick start-up, is what a modern and reliable industrial safety and condition monitoring operation requires. LAMSCAM provides reliable temperature data, with thermal and optical imaging, generating alarms in the operating room and downloading the measurements and alarms.

LAMSCAM is the most versatile and safe telethermography solution for temperature measurement for the control of operations, preventive mantenaince and fire cases, condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, machinery equipment, industrial processes and electrical substations.


Key Features & Benefits

LAMSCAM can connect several cameras simultanously in one dashboard
LAMSCAM provide online temperature data and trend graphic
LAMSCAM provide reportability to measurement and event logs
LAMSCAM includes plugin Modbus TCP/IP to several cameras
LAMSCAM use prognosis colours to show alert state and notifications
LAMSCAM alert down ans high temperature according camera set-point
LAMSCAM supplied in English language with perpetual license

Company Profile

LAMS with more than 23 years in the business of industrial technology solutions for the markets: mining, pulp, oil, food, electrical, sanitary and buildings, LAMS maintains its focus based on cost reduction, process optimization, industrial safety, sustainability and environment. We are proud to be certified to the ISO9001 | ISO14001 | ISO45001 tri-standard to provide quality and reliability in all our services. LAMS has a high level national client base, among which we can mention: Codelco, Minera Escondida, Minera Centinela, Minera Pelambres, Minera Collahuasi, SQM, Celulosa Arauco, Celulosa CMPC, Enap among others. Regarding the team of collaborators that make up our company, we have specialists certified in Data Science & Big data from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Machine Learning & Advanced Learning Algorithms from Stanford University. Linux Red Hat Administration and Engineer.

Contact us for further information on LAMS

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