Management Board and Supervisory Board Indemnified, and New Supervisory Board Members Confirmed
After the Management Board's presentation on the past fiscal year and the outlook on the future of MOBOTIX, questions from shareholders on the topics of development, sales, and finances were answered. The meeting then voted digitally on the items on the agenda, such as the resolution on the appropriation of the annual profit and the resolution on the indemnification of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board as well as the election of the Supervisory Board.
The Management Board of MOBOTIX AG was indemnified with 91%. The indemnification of the Supervisory Board received 89% of the votes. The Annual General Meeting re-elected the Supervisory Board's two members, Toshiya Eguchi and Tsuyoshi Yamazato, with 86% each after their appointment by the local court on June 2, 2020.
The first virtual Annual General Meeting in the history of MOBOTIX AG functioned technically flawless. For all participants, this premiere was a new experience.