Healthcare Smart IR sensor
Our IR ring creates 0,6 LUX in a room with 0.0 LUX available pitch-black. During the night times we create a better envoirment for the camera, this helps the camera in such a way to make alarm notifications at night. This is a great advantage to detect ‘out of bed detection’, even detect to stay too long in the bathroom or wandering in the hallway and more! The camera can also detect noise triggers when someone is screaming in their sleep or yelling for help. The last option is usually used in Elderly Home environments. Of course it also works in Hospitals and other Healthcare locations, where the illumination is not optimal or when the rooms are pitch-black and it is important to receive alarm notifications. The MOBOTIX IoT cameras have a lot of Healthcare systems connected in the Netherlands but it can also connect to your Healthcare system as well! We only need a IP-Based system to communicate with, the (if you have) in- and outputs are attached to the camera locally to a MX-A-IOA-IC i/o board connection. The Gold-IP SmartSensor is an asset to the department due to the options above. On this way the patients do not have to be disturbed during the night (Virtual Rounds) because the MOBOTIX camera gives you an alarm and an image to verify very quickly if the alarm needs to get in action. The only thing you have to do is connect the USB cable of the IR ring to the USB connector of the c26B camera.