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#eizo #duravision #ipdecoding #monitor #onvif #surveillance

EIZO DuraVision IP Decoding Solutions

Using a computer for video surveillance can frequently prove undesirable, or even impossible due to space limitations. EIZO IP decoding solutions address this very issue by offering a variety of solutions for a wide range of applications: from the complete solution with IP decoding monitors FDF2304W-IP, FDF2711W-IP and FDF4627W-IP, including integrated image optimisation functions, to the extremely flexible IP decoding box DX0211-IP that can be combined with nearly any monitor in different screen diagonals and resolutions of up to 4K UHD.

EIZO DuraVision IP Decoding Solutions

Key Features & Benefits

Connection to IP video surveillance system without a computer
Perfect solutions for use in monitor walls, installations with large screen diagonals and high resolutions, live streams in businesses, building, underground carparks, outdoor areas and access controls
Data security for live data
Easy to configure settings and event reactions via the web interface and API
Functionality with leading VMS (e.g. Genetec Security Center)
High reliability and long product life cycle
Suitable for 24/7 use

Contact us for further information on EIZO Europe GmbH

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