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Vaxtor LPR recognizes license plates with global country coverage (Latin, Thai and Arabic characters) based on deep learning processes. The application can be used up to maximum speeds and on multiple lanes up to 160 km/h.
Via a blocking or permission list, authorized or blocked or searched vehicles can be defined specifically. For example, a gate or barrier in an access road can open or be blocked automatically.
License required, one-time payment for unlimited period of use
Recognition of license plates with global country coverage with an accuracy of more than 99%
Use of "block" and "allow" lists possible
App-integrated Smart Data Interface for data retrieval with MxManagementCenter version 2.4 or higher (e.g. to search for specific license plates, even across multiple LPR cameras)
Best suited for the requirements of the following industries:
Utilities, Energy & Mining; Industry & Production; Government; Traffic & Transportation; Retail