Open to New Ideas

The openness of the MOBOTIX 7 platform delivers ultimate individuality. MOBOTIX 7 will change video surveillance. It provides an infinite number of possibilities. The MOBOTIX 7 system platform already includes special apps that cover a significant number of industry-specific, individual requirements. In addition, the platform is open for apps developed by our partners and customers. This is how new solutions are created all the time. The possibilities now grow with the customer's needs.


Certified Apps

Cyber secure and individual solutions

Certified Apps are professional, deep learning-based MOBOTIX apps and solutions from renowned partners that have been explicitly verified and certified by MOBOTIX. All Certified Apps meet the highest cyber security requirements. Thanks to the high level of modularity, users can use exactly the apps in their video systems that they need for their requirements. The Certified Apps are all pre-installed and can be tested free of charge for 30 days. The selection of apps will continue to grow in line with requirements.


All Certified Apps

Custom Apps

Create your own solution

As a partner, customer and user, you can develop and program your own app solutions for the MOBOTIX 7 cameras M73 and S74 based on the MOBOTIX software and the development kit (SDK). Or you can conveniently commission your desired programming through us as part of MOBOTIX Professional Services. Together we can create new solutions for special requirements. In a second step, the applications can also be certified by MOBOTIX and then be purchased by other customers as Certified Apps. This opens up the MOBOTIX M73 and S74 to any conceivable application and opens up new revenue models.



Custom Apps

The MOBOTIX 7 Camera Apps

Versatile software for exciting applications

MOBOTIX 7 App - Vaxtor AIN Airplane Identification Number Recognition

MOBOTIX 7 App: Vaxtor Container Code Recognition

MOBOTIX 7 App: Vaxtor Railway Code Recognition

MOBOTIX 7 App: Irisity Anonymization

MOBOTIX 7 App: Vaxtor Genesis

MOBOTIX 7 App: Thermal Validation

MOBOTIX 7 App: Barcode Reader

Vaxtor Make Model Color

Vaxtor License Plate Recognition

MOBOTIX 7 App: MxAnalytics AI - Object Detection

MOBOTIX High-End Video systems

Modular IoT cameras - precisely configurable for your requirements

S74 – Discreet. Versatile. Outstanding 

You may not see it, but it's definitely there! More flexible than ever before and virtually invisible with embedded housing possibilities. You can position four independent modules (optical and function modules) to focus on specific areas. All in one system — all in the MOBOTIX S74. Equipped with state- of-the-art processors, advanced cyber security and unsurpassed image quality with optimized WDR and increased ultra-low-light image sensors. The MOBOTIX S74 can be integrated into the open MOBOTIX 7 platform with its range of analytic apps for each specific requirement.  



The M73 – adamantly compact with 3 modules

The M73 is the innovative pioneer of the MOBOTIX 7 series. The state-of-the-art IP video system opens up new possibilities. All in the tradition of the original. And yet completely new and unique. The M73 is extremely compact yet delivers a stand-out performance, thanks in particular to the powerful Quad-Core-ARM Cortex-A53 processor. The camera offers space for three sensor or function modules. This makes the M73 more versatile and flexible than any other MOBOTIX camera before it. 


Indoor Models

You want to know more?

Talk to us! 

  • 1 Current Your Request
  • 2 Personal Data

Please tell us who you are

Your Partner Level

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

MOBOTIX support is primarily available to the trained MOBOTIX partners.

The respective dealers or installers are responsible for the warranty of their customers.

Therefore, the initial contact must always be made through the responsible dealer or distributor.

The factory IP No. of your camera helps us to process your enquiry quicker. Stating the IP No. is not mandatory, though.

Need to contact MOBOTIX Support services?

Try out our new After Sales Support section, exclusive for MOBOTIX Partners, within our MOBOTIX Partner Portal. 

Simply by logging in to your Partner Portal account you can have immediate access to create and view the status of your Professional Services, Technical Support and Repair & Maintenance (RMA) requests – quickly and easily, whenever or wherever you are.

Hint: With "IP No." we refer to the factory IP Adress / serial number. You can enter multiple IP Nos. if necessary.

IP No. needs to have the format 10.[number].[number].[number]

IP Address(es) of your camera(s)

Summary of your Request

Details of your Request