Langmeil, November 2023 - The visit to MOBOTIX by Matthias David Mieves (SPD), member of the German Bundestag, could not have come at a better time - shortly after the launch of NurseAssist, a solution from MOBOTIX AG and Kepler Vision Technologies for retirement, hospital and care facilities. The directly elected representative of the Kaiserslautern district in the German Bundestag is a member of the Health Committee and the Committee for Digital Affairs. He visited MOBOTIX AG in Langmeil, where he met CTO Christian Cabirol, the MOBOTIX Healthcare specialists, and a Konica Minolta delegation of experts from the Video Solution Services and Healthcare divisions. The Japanese company is not only a major shareholder in MOBOTIX but is also involved in the global distribution of NurseAssist as a strategic partner. This was an important topic. Christian Cabirol was also delighted that the federal politician took the time to visit the listed company's site and production facilities not far from his home.

"As a business graduate and having worked at Deutsche Telekom AG before his political mandate, Mr Mieves is a highly competent contact for us in digitalization or cyber security and the resulting challenges for a German company," says Christian Cabirol. "It's good to know that we are being noticed and heard by federal politicians," says the Chief Technology Officer.
Cabirol also presented MOBOTIX AG's vision for 2024 to the Member of Parliament, which focuses on vertical target markets such as healthcare, production, and logistics. Artificial intelligence and deep learning are also key areas of focus for the company and determine the innovative functions of apps that are used on MOBOTIX video systems sold worldwide and are valued for their high level of cyber security.
"We are very pleased that we were able to present our NurseAssist solution to Mr. Mieves," adds Christian Cabirol. "The app integrated into a MOBOTIX camera significantly reduces false alarms in the care sector compared to other automatic systems. The solution can lead to improved care for the elderly, sick, and people in need of care, while simultaneously relieving the burden on staff and increasing cost efficiency. This solution must be publicized and also reach political decision-makers."
Matthias Mieves was impressed by the live demonstration of the digital solution for the health and care sector. "We hear daily about the high workload and staff shortages in the care professions. I believe that digital approaches such as the NurseAssist solution can do a lot to make these professions more attractive again. Nurses will finally have more time for active care again. The focus of technology is on people. I am delighted to see that a company in my home constituency launched such a pioneering solution that perfectly supports the federal government's digital strategy, which I stand for."