MOBOTIX HUB Levels L2 - L5

Request your license file now

Simply fill out the form below, and our Sales team will provide you with the license file for the level you have chosen in a separate eMail. You can then use your MOBOTIX HUB level free of charge for 30 days.


In order to process your request appropriately, we need the following information:


Subject: Please send me the license file for MOBOTIX HUB

HUB Level
Moreover, I would also like to have your suggestion of a MOBOTIX Partner close to me who can assist me with advice and/or installation.

Please answer the question below to show you are not a bot.

5 + 7 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
I took note of my right of revocation. *
I agree to the data protection notice. *