Our sales staff maintain direct contact with our partners and customers, ensuring the sales success of our solutions. They are active in over 70 countries. The Business Development Managers are responsible for customer acquisition and support. They are coordinated by our Inside Sales Managers at our headquarters in Langmeil and our overseas branches.

Whenever we visit in-person events, such as trade fairs, and during our online events, such as webinars, we draw our customers' attention to the many possibilities our solutions present. These events are prepared and carried out by a combination of technical project management and the event team.


Marketing tasks begin long before our products are built and sold.

We have to know exactly what our customers need in order to develop our solutions to meet those requirements: During the creation and expansion of our systems, product management works closely with the Development and Sales departments. The Training department provides training for our customers and employees whenever a new solution is launched. And of course, MOBOTIX also needs to draw attention to the brand. Marketing and Public Relations ensure that MOBOTIX is clearly visible on the Internet, on social media platforms and via classic channels such as newspapers, trade press and events. This is how we increase the awareness of our company. In the Marketing and Sales departments, 'Awaken your vision' becomes 'awaken the interest of all customers.'

At present we do not have any job offers in this section.

However, unsolicited applications are always welcome.