Detect Temperature Abnormalities


The MOBOTIX TR (Thermal Radiometry) technology measures thermal radiation of people and objects in the entire image acquisition area. MOBOTIX thermal technology does not replace medical devices, but it can help to analyze critical situations in order to decide on further action. Taking into account the ambient conditions and using a black body radiator, a measurement accuracy of about 0.3 degrees Celsius can be achieved on surfaces that are 30 to 45 degrees Celsius warm. The M16 and S16 Thermal Radiometry (TR) models automatically alarm when the temperature exceeds or falls below defined limits.

Back on Track Temperaturauffälligkeiten
Case Study Transportation IGA
© Images Istanbul Grand Airport


Detect temperature differences

More and more companies, authorities and institutions use MOBOTIX thermal technology as a proactive warning system. MOBOTIX TR (Thermal Radiometry) technology allows you to measure thermal radiation in the entire image area and assign a temperature value to each pixel.

Detection of Persons/Objects and Their Surface Temperature


MOBOTIX Thermal Cameras


  • Display of temperature differences from 0.1°C
  • Alarm in case of exceeding or falling below defined temperature ranges
  • Event Triggers (alarm, network message, activation of a switching output)
  • Screening via special TR windows or the complete sensor image


Thermal Cameras



Back On Track Mobotix Thermal Radiometry

M16 EST Thermal Camera


The MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera (EST: Elevated Surface Temperature) has been specially designed to detect the relative temperature variations of the body surface. The detection, mainly by medical professionals, is used for an initial assessment of body temperature to identify potentially (COVID-19) infected people. The MOBOTIX EST thermal imaging camera can be used in healthcare facilities or other non-medical areas, such as airports or building access.


M16 EST Thermal Cameras


Solution from MOBOTIX Partner Bleenco

  • License required
  • Fully-automated, rapid and remotely installable Temperature Detection application
  • Temperatures are detected from directly under the tongue or inside the eye
  • Alarm when the temperature surpasses the defined threshold


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Solution from MOBOTIX Solution Partner TecTradeSolution GmbH

Optimized selection of persons with increased temperature indoors and outdoors


  • Abnormalities in skin surface temperature can be detected regardless of environmental influences.
  • MOBOTIX Thermal Radiometry (TR) cameras automatically alarm when the temperature exceeds or falls below defined limits


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Tectrade Thermal Image

Solution from MOBOTIX Technology Partner Cathexis


  • Visual representation of temperature and triggering alerts at preset thresholds
  • Real-time visual and audio alerts notify users (various notification options)
  • A variety of different temperature measurement methods
  • Temperature of specific facial landmarks can be taken


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Thermal Solution from MOBOTIX Technology Partner Cathexis
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MOBOTIX support is primarily available to the trained MOBOTIX partners.

The respective dealers or installers are responsible for the warranty of their customers.

Therefore, the initial contact must always be made through the responsible dealer or distributor.

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Hint: With "IP No." we refer to the factory IP Adress / serial number. You can enter multiple IP Nos. if necessary.

IP No. needs to have the format 10.[number].[number].[number]

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