================================== MOBOTIX MOVE FIRMWARE UPDATE NOTES ================================== * General Information Date: 2025-03-06 Release: mb20240710TU_bridge For Hardware: MOBOTIX MOVE Mx-VT1A-2-IR, Mx-VT1A-5-IR, Mx-VT1A-203-IR, Mx-VT1A-503-IR Manufacturer: MOBOTIX AG Kaiserstrasse 67722 Langmeil GERMANY http://www.mobotix.com/ * General Notes This is an improved customer version for the MOBOTIX MOVE cameras Mx-VT1A-2-IR, Mx-VT1A-5-IR, Mx-VT1A-203-IR, Mx-VT1A-503-IR. This update will NOT work on other cameras. News about this firmware can be found under this address: http://www.mobotix.com/ * To Update the Camera Firmware 1. Download the file mb20240710TU_bridge.dat to your computer. 2. Make sure that the file has been transferred completely. 3. Start the camera. 4. Log onto the camera as administrator, open "System > Software Upgrade". Select the file mb20240710TU_bridge.dat and start the upload. CAUTION: - Never interrupt the procedure while the camera is uploading or rewriting its flash memory. - The upload procedure may take several minutes. - During the procedure, the browser windows may not be updated properly. 5. Upon completion of the upload, the browser window will reload. 6. The settings of the camera will remain intact during and after the update. It is recommended, however, to reset certain parts of the configuration to the factory defaults, while keeping the other parts of the current configuration. If conflicts are detected while opening camera pages, warning messages will inform you about these conflicts. When resetting the configuration to factory defaults, the network and user settings should not be reset to factory defaults.