Release Notes for MOBOTIX Certified App Software

Document Information

Publisher: MOBOTIX AG
Author: Sascha Christmann
Bernd Wilhelm
Date: 2025-02-14
Document: Apps_2025-02-10_release-notes_en.html
Confidentiality: public


These Release Notes contain a technical description of the most important changes in the Certified Apps for the MOBOTIX 7 camera line.

Software Releases—Overview

App Package Version Creation Date Publishing Date
App-Package 2025-02-10
2025-02-10 2025-02-14
App-Package 2025-11-15
2024-11-15 2025-11-26
App Package 2024-05-17
2024-05-17 2024-05-24
App-Package 2024-03-22
2024-03-22 2024-03-28
App-Package 2024-01-04
2024-01-04 2021-01-16
App-Package 2023-09-29
2023-09-29 2023-10-09
App Package 2023-04-26
2023-04-26 2023-05-02
App Package 2023-01-27
2023-01-27 2023-02-03
App Package 2022-12-15
(replaced by App Package 2023-01-27)
2022-12-15 2022-12-16
App Package 2022-11-28
(replaced by App Package 2022-12-15)
2022-11-28 2022-12-01
App Package 2022-09-01
2022-09-01 2022-09-09
App Package 2022-06-28
2022-06-28 2022-06-30
App Package 2022-06-02
(replaced by App Package 2022-06-28)
2022-06-02 2022-06-03
App Package 2022-05-31
(replaced by App Package 2022-06-02)
2022-05-31 2022-06-01
App Package 2022-02-16
2022-02-16 2022-03-02
App Package 2021-08-20 2021-08-20 2021-08-31
App Package 2021-03-17 2021-03-17 2021-03-31
App Package 2021-02-24 2021-02-24 2021-02-25



Certified Apps 2025-01-23 − für MOBOTIX 7 Kameramodelle M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A, c71 NurseAssist

Erstellungsdatum: 2025-02-10

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2025-02-14

Wichtige Hinweise zur Installation


The Apps that have changed from the App-Package 2024-11-15 bzw. App-Package 2024-05-17 are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections:

Apps no longer supported


General Improvements

App log file for download:
The log files of specific apps can be downloaded via App menu > Settings for Certified Apps.

Improved Certified Apps

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.6.3 für c71A und c71 NurseAssist Kameramodelle


The update includes the following improvements:

Error corrections:

People lying in bed who are completely covered are now reliably detected.

MOBOTIX Barcode Reader V1.2.4

Error corrections:

All common barcodes are now read reliably.

MOBOTIX Color Recognition V1.1.0


Internal improvements

MOBOTIX Thermal Validation V1.3.12


Improved open flame detection.

Improved version 1.6.21 of the Vaxtor LPR and ADR apps

All Vaxtor apps for vehicle and ADR license plate identification (Vaxtor LPR/ADR/LPR Dual Sensor/ALPR MMC) have been updated, resulting in the following improvements:

Error corrections:

The exchange of metadata via HTTPS with a MOBOTIX SYNC server could lead to a restart of Vaxtor Apps.


Plates outside the set value range for the minimum and maximum character height are also recorded.

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App-Paket 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2024-12-18 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A, c71 NurseAssist

Creation Date: 2024-12-17

Publishing Date: 2024-12-18

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2024-05-17 are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Apps no longer supported


Improved Certified Apps

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.3.7 for c71A and c71 NurseAssist camera models

This version contains a bug fix for using the App at the same time with the OpenVPN client activated.

Improved version 1.6.20 of the Vaxtor LPR and ADR Apps

All Vaxtor Apps for the identification of vehicle and ADR license plates (Vaxtor LPR/ADR/LPR Dual Sensor/ALPR MMC) have been revised and replaced by newer versions. As a result, the following improvements have been achieved:

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2024-11-15 − for M7 Camera Models c71A, c71 NurseAssist

Creation Date: 2024-11-15

Publishing Date: 2024-11-26

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2024-03-22  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.5.6 with extended functions, for c71A and c71 NurseAssist camera models

With the new Kepler NurseAssist App V1.5.6, the range of functions can be expanded with many useful functions. To activate the extended functions, an extension license is required in addition to an existing basic license. A  30-day trial license of  this type can be activated in the KeplerNurseAssist License Information dialog, which opens using the Details link  in the License column of the Certified Apps Settings dialog. There you will also see a suitable permanent license that may have already been activated.

After activating a trial or perpetual license of the type Extension, the additional option Extended functions is available in the Settings Kepler NurseAssist configuration dialog. After activating this option, additional status values such as Out of bed, Out of room, etc., can be selected as conditions for a notification. In addition, the placements of the various doors can then be configured in the camera image. All advanced functions are marked with a "+" in the dialog.

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2024-05-17 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A, c71 NurseAssist

Creation Date: 2024-05-17

Publishing Date: 2024-05-24

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2024-03-22  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Apps no longer supported


Improved Certified Apps

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.3.7 for c71A and c71 NurseAssist camera models

This version contains a bug fix for using the App at the same time with the OpenVPN client activated.

Improved version 1.6.20 of the Vaxtor LPR and ADR Apps

All Vaxtor Apps for the identification of vehicle and ADR license plates (Vaxtor LPR/ADR/LPR Dual Sensor/ALPR MMC) have been revised and replaced by newer versions. As a result, the following improvements have been achieved:

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2024-03-22 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A, c71 NurseAssist

Creation Date: 2024-03-22

Publishing Date: 2024-03-28

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2024-01-04  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved Certified Apps

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.3.0 for c71A and c71 NurseAssist camera models

Compared to version 1.0.0 of the Kepler Nurse Assist App, performance has improved significantly in the following two areas:

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2024-01-04 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A

Creation Date: 2024-01-04

Publishing Date: 2024-01-16

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2023-09-29  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

New Certified Apps

Kepler NurseAssist App V1.0.0 for c71A and c71 NurseAssist camera models

This new app for applications in the health and care sector allows the detection of falls and unauthorized leaving of the bed with subsequent signaling by means of the well-known mechanisms (e-mail, audio, network messages, etc.). It can thus support hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes effectively and cost-effectively in protecting patients and those in need of care. The app offers the following features, among others:


Irisity IRIS Anonymization App V1.0.5

With this new App, areas of the image that show people can be dynamically pixelated while the environment remains visible. The App automatically detects whether the objects are people and then pixelates them in such a way that they are still recognizable as humans but can no longer be identified. In this way, the regulations around GDPR and data protection regulations can be complied with. The App offers the following features, among others:

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2023-09-29 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A

Creation Date: 2023-09-29

Publishing Date: 2023-10-09

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2023-04-26  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

News and improved Certified Apps

New Mobotix Thermal Validation V1.3.4

This new App for MOBOTIX Thermal TR cameras has been specially developed for the early detection of fires. It detects and filters out hot objects that appear in the camera image but are not critical, such as vehicles with hot engines driving through the monitored area. As a result, false alarms are efficiently reduced or, at best, completely avoided. The App offers the following features, among others:

Improved Vaxtor Apps

All Vaxtor Apps for license plate identification (Vaxtor LPR/ADR/LPR Dual Sensor/ALPR MMC) as well as the two Apps Vaxtor Containers and Vaxtor Genesis have been revised and replaced with newer versions. As a result, the following bugs have been fixed or improvements have been achieved, among others:

Improved Mobotix Apps

Known Limitations

The same restrictions still apply as for the App package 2023-04-26.


Certified Apps 2023-04-26 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A

Creation Date: 2023-04-26

Publishing Date: 2023-05-02

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2023-01-27  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved Certified Apps

All of Irisity, MOBOTIX and Visage Technologies Apps updated

The above-mentioned updated Apps include many internal improvements as well as translations of their user interface into German and French.

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2023-01-27 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, p71TA, v71, c71A

Creation Date: 2023-01-27

Publishing Date: 2023-02-03

Note on the Certified Apps 2023-01-27 package

This version of the App package differs from its predecessor Certified Apps 2022-12-15 only in the release also for the new camera model p71TA Thermal Eco together with the camera firmware version

Note on the Certified Apps 2022-12-15 package

This version of the App package differs from its predecessor Certified Apps 2022-11-28 only in further internal improvements to support the improved Smart Data interface to MxManagementCenter V2.7

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the App package 2022-09-01  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved Certified Apps

All of FFGroup, MOBOTIX and Vaxtor Apps updated

The Apps updated above contain many internal improvements and changes to better support the Smart Data interface to MxManagementCenter. These changes in the area of the Smart Data interface are supported as of camera firmware version together with MxManagementCenter version 2.7 or higher (see also the release notes for version

New Certified Apps

The following apps are included in the App package for the first time:

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2022-09-01 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71, p71, v71, c71A

Creation Date: 2022-09-01

Publishing Date: 2022-09-09

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the lastApp package 2022-06-28 are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved Certified Apps

MOBOTIX and Vaxtor Apps (*updated*)

The following updated Apps each include internal improvements and bug fixes:

Visage Technologies Face Recognition 1.2.3 (*updated*)

This version of the facial recognition App includes the following changes:

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2022-06-28 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71

Creation Date: 2022-06-28

Publishing Date: 2022-06-30

Notes on package Certified Apps 2022-06-28

Notes on package Certified Apps 2022-06-02

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the last App package 2022-02-16  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved and additional Certified Apps

Vaxtor Apps

With this release, all existing Vaxtor Apps have been replaced by improved versions and two new apps have been added.

Vaxtor LPR/LPR Dual/ALPR MMC V1.4.2  (*updated*)

Vaxtor USDOT V1.4.2 (*new*)

This new app from Vaxtor for recognizing USDOT identification numbers offers the following features, among others:


MOBOTIX ActivitySensor AI V1.0

This new App from MOBOTIX for motion detection offers the following functions as an alternative to the previous ActivitySensor:


MOBOTIX Color Recognition V1.0

This new MOBOTIX App for color recognition offers the following functions:

MOBOTIX Object Recognition V1.1.1

The object detection had detected in scenes with heavy rain for cars under certain circumstances the object type "Boat". This has been improved and in addition, the type "Boat" can be explicitly excluded from the filter of the object types to be detected for such applications. The latest version also includes improved detection in night scenes.


This version of the App is required to correct a camera error in V7.3.1.31-r1 that occurred after updating the camera firmware with the currently activated Object Recognition App. The version number has been changed from V1.1 to V1.1.1 compared to package 2022-06-02.

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2022-02-16 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74, D71

Creation Date: 2022-02-16

Publishing Date: 2022-03-02

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the last App package 2021-08-20  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved and additional Certified Apps


All A.I. Tech apps had the system-internal version number 3.0.5. Due to a spelling error, however, these apps were displayed with a version 3.5 instead of 3.0.5. This has now been corrected for all updated apps, i.e. all except AIFirePlus, and the version number has first been increased to 3.0.6  and now to  3.0.7.

This release has corrected the following issues when using A.I.Tech apps.

Improved A.I.Tech apps

With this release, most of A.I.Tech's apps have been replaced by improved versions.

FF Group LPR Apps

FFLPRME V1.4.1 (*new*)

With this new App, license plates from countries of the Middle East can be recognized. It offers the following functions:

As with the other Apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage System. In addition, the detection results can be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (requires MxMC V2.6 or higher).

Irisity Apps

Irisity IRIS AI Analytics V1.0 (*new*)

This new App is used to detect burglary attempts. This is characterized by the following functions and properties, among others:

As with the other apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage system. In addition, the detection results can be displayed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC V2.6 or higher).

Vaxtor Apps

With this release, all existing Vaxtor Apps have been replaced by improved versions and two new apps have been added.

Vaxtor LPR V1.3.6  (*updated*)

Vaxtor LPR Dual Sensor V1.3.6 (*new*)

This new App from Vaxtor for global license plate recognition offers the following functions, among others:

As with the other apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages fromthe MxMessage system. In addition, the detection results can be displayed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC V2.6 or higher).

Vaxtor Aircraft Identification Number V1.3.6 (*new*)

This is a new app for identifying aircrafts using ICAO and FAA identification numbers.As with the other apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages fromthe MxMessage system. In addition, the detection results can be displayed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC V2.6 or higher).

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2021-08-20 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74

Creation Date: 2021-08-20

Publishing Date: 2021-08-31

Important notes on installation

Package content

The Apps that have changed from the last App package 2021-03-17  are specially marked. For more details on these changes, see the following sections.

Improved and additional Certified Apps


All A.I. Tech apps so far had the system-internal version number 3.0.5. Due to a spelling error, however, these apps were displayed with a version 3.5 instead of 3.0.5. This has now been corrected for all updated apps, i.e. for all but AIFirePlus, and the version number has been increased to 3.0.6.

This release has corrected the following issues when using A.I.Tech apps.

Improved A.I.Tech apps

Display and configuration in the dashboard

When configuring the A.I. Tech Apps in the dashboard, only half of the camera live image was displayed.

AISpill App

After activating the AISpill App in the Setup > Certified App Control > Certified App Settings dialog, the AISpill link to start the configuration sometimes did not exist in the dashboard. In addition, using the App could freeze the camera live image..

FF Group LPR Apps

FFLPR V1.3.3 (updated and extended)

In addition to internal improvements, this version of the App contains the following enhancements to its settings in the Setup > Certified App Control > Certified App Settings > FFLPR Settings dialog:

FFLPR MMC V1.3.3 (*new*)

With this new app, in addition to the license plate, the make, model, color and class of vehicles can also be recognized. It offers the following functions:

As with the other Apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage System. In addition, the detection results can be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (requires MxMC version higher than 2.5.2).

MOBOTIX Analytics

Analytics with object recognition

This extension of the MOBOTIX Analytics App can also be activated after installing the package.  All you have to do is, change the Camera Mode option in the Admin > Hardware Configuration > Camera Mode dialog from Streaming to AI and then restart the camera. Then the option Use AI Component is available to activate Object Recognition based on AI/deep learning techniques within the settings of MOBOTIX Analytics. In addition, the App Object Recognition Settings is also available for more precise configuration of AI-based object recognition.


As before, when operating the camera in AI mode, the camera is limited to the use of one image sensor (on port M1) and the WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) function is then not available.

Analytics Object Recognition and Display Enhancements

When displaying and tracking detected objects (e.g. people, vehicles,... ), it could happen that the display has changed to other, sometimes also to non-moving, objects. This behavior has been significantly improved.

Visage Technologies Facial Recognition V1.2.1 (updated)

This release includes internal improvements to the app's detection and runtime behavior.

Vaxtor Apps - LPR V1.3.1, ADR V1.3.1 , ALPR MMC V1.3.1, Vaxtor Containers V1.3.1

All existing Vaxtor Apps have been revised and further improved.

Vaxtor UIC V1.3.1 (*new*)

This is a new App for the identification of freight and passenger coaches using the UIC wagon number for stationary or slowly (< 10 km/h) moving wagons. The App can identify the following wagon characteristics::

As with the other Apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage System. In addition, the detection results can be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (requires MxMC version higher than 2.5.2).

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2021-03-17 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74

Creation Date: 2021-03-17

Publishing Date: 2021-03-31

Important notes on installation

Package content

The package contains the following App versions.

Das Paket enthält die folgenden App-Versionen.

Improved and additional Certified Apps

This release has improved and partially expanded existing Certified Apps and added new ones.

Vaxtor ALPR MMC LPR V1.2.1(*new*)

With this new App, the brand, model, color and class of vehicles can be recognized in addition to the license plate. It offers the following functions:
As with the other Apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage System. In addition, the detection results can be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC, version 2.4.4 onwards).

Vaxtor Containers V1.2.1 (updated)

With this new version of the App for the detection of transport container codes according to ISO 6346, the analysis can now also be done on a live camera dual image.

Vaxtor LPR V1.1.2 und ADR V1.1.2 (updated)

The new versions of these two Apps correct problems when using multiple detection ranges.

Visage Technologies Facial Recognition V1.2 (already contained in App-Package 2021-02-24)

Firmware now also supports this version of the app, in which some bugs have been fixed and performance improved. In addition, facial recognition now works much more robustly in demanding conditions such as large scaling variability, difficult lighting, certain poses and covers such as beards, glasses and  masks. In firmware version, this App version could not be used yet.

Known Limitations


Certified Apps 2021-02-24 − for M7 Camera Models M73, S74

Creation Date: 2021-02-24

Publishing Date: 2021-02-25

Important notes on installation

Package content

The package contains the following App versions.

Das Paket enthält die folgenden App-Versionen.

Details about the new and updated apps can be found below.

Improved and additional Certified Apps

FF Group License Plate Recognition AM (FFLPRAM) V1.0 (*new*)

This new app is used to detect license plates in the UNITED States. The following functions are supported:

As with the other apps, the connection to the event logic and alarm functions of the camera is done using messages from the MxMessage System. In addition, the detection results can be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC, version 2.4.3 onwards).

Vaxtor Container Code Recognition (Vaxtor Containers) V1.2.0 (*new*)

With this new app, codes of transport containers can be recognized according to the international standard ISO 6346. The following characteristics are identified:

This app also connects to the camera's event logic and alarm functions using messages from the MxMessage System. The detection results can also be viewed and evaluated using Smart Data Sources in the MxManagementCenter (MxMC, version 2.4.3) onwards.

Visage Technologies Facial Recognition V1.2 (updated and extended)

In this release, some bugs have been fixed and the performance has been improved. In addition,  facial recognition now  works much more robustly in demanding conditions such as large scaling variability, difficult lighting, certain poses and covers such as beards, glasses and masks.

Known Limitations

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