Release Notes for MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

Document Information

Publisher: MOBOTIX AG
Author: Jörg Steuerwald
Date: 2024-09-23
Document: MXHUB_DeviceDriver_13.3a_release-notes_en_v1.html
Confidentiality: public


The following document provides information about the specific features of each version of the Device Driver Package for MOBOTIX HUB.

Device Driver Releases—Overview

Release Version

Release Date

13.3a 2024-09-23
13.1a 2023-12-15


Version 13.3a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

Published on: 2024-09-23

Device Compatibility Overview

This release note lists the changes in Device Pack that are supported in the following VMS versions:

Known Limitations

Device Pack Updates

MOBOTIX specific update:

New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

        • Axis - Auto rotate setting is added

        • Halo - Enabled event configuration through the Video channel

Fixed issues:

Additionals Remarks

Replace Hardware Remarks:

Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.


Please note, that installing the Device Pack requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first

Legacy Driver

Device drivers are now split into two device packs: the regular device pack with newer drivers and the legacy device pack with older drivers. The regular device pack is included in the Product release. The legacy device pack is a separate installer.

Legacy Device Pack 3.0a updates:

The following drivers are moved to Legacy Device Pack:
  • Abus
  • AdamIO
  • Axis1ChDevice, Axis1ChPtzDevice, Axis2ChDevice, Axis3ChDevice, Axis4ChCamera, Axis4ChDevice, Axis8ChDevice, Axis11ChDevice, Axis12ChDevice, AxisAudioDevice
  • CanonVBM40, CanonVBM, CanonVBS, CanonVBSNoPtz
  • JvcVnH28, JvcVnH57, JvcVnH37
  • Hanwha2Ch, Hanwha4Ch, HanwhaPtz
  • HikVision8x3, HikvisionDS2Dx1
  • HuskyIO
  • InfinovaGT, InfinovaGTptz, InfinovaTx
  • Interconnect
  • SonyER, SonyRHRS. SonyZR550, SonyHM662
  • ScreenCapture
  • ONVIF16
  • Important

    The listed Axis, Hanwha, and the ONVIF16 driver have a replacement in the Device Pack. To continue receiving support for devices added with these drivers, you need to perform a Replace Hardware with the generic driver.


    You have to stop the Milestone Recording Server service in order to install the Legacy Device Pack


    Version 13.1a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-12-15

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    MOBOTIX specific update:

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

            • Axis
               The Axis driver is updated to have 3Mbps bandwidth configuration.

            • Bosch
               The Bosch driver is modified to expose a new channel-based setting "Home position preset" that can be used to customize the PTZ home position.

                In the Bosch driver SRTPS is set as default instead of RTSP with firmware 9.0

        • i-Pro (Panasonic)
           i-Pro driver starts to provide "Intrusion stopped" and "Loitering detection event stopped" events.

        • Onvif
           In the ONVIF driver by default, the Pan/Tilt/Zoom is sent in one request and now additionally there is a new setting “PTZSendZoomParamType” where client                can  choose which option is best for the device where it will allow to send Pan/Tilt in one request and zoom to another.

           Improvement in event handling in ONVIF driver to reduce the delay between the Pull Messages requests.

    New device support for:

    • Avigilon
    2.0C-H6SL-BO1-IR, 3.0C-H6SL-BO1-IR, 3.0C-H6SL-BO2-IR, 5.0C-H6SL-BO1-IR, 5.0C-H6SL-BO2-IR, 2.0C-H6SL- D1, 2.0C-H6SL-D1-IR, 2.0C-H6SL-DO1-IR, 3.0C-H6SL-D1, 3.0C-H6SL-D1-IR, 3.0C-H6SL-DO1-IR, 5.0C-H6SL-D1, 5.0C-H6SL-D1-IR, 5.0C-H6SL-DO1-IR, 8.0C-H6SL-BO1-IR, 8.0C-H6SL-DO1-IR

    • Avycon

    • Axis
    Q1805-LE, Q1808-LE, Q1806-LE, P3268-SLVE, I8116-E, M4218-V, M4218-LV, M4215-V, M4215-LV, M4317-PLR, M4318-PLR

    • Dahua
    DHI-NVR2104-4KS3, DHI-NVR2108-4KS3, DHI-NVR2116-4KS3, DHI-NVR2104-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR2108- 8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR2104HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR2108HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR2116HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR2104HS-P4KS3, DHI-NVR2108HS-8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR2204-4KS3, DHI-NVR2208-4KS3, DHI-NVR2216-4KS3, DHINVR2204-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR2208-8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR2216-16P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4104-4KS3, DHINVR4108-4KS3, DHI-NVR4116-4KS3, DHI-NVR4104-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4108-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4108-8P4KS3, DHI-NVR4116-8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4104HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR4108HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR4116HS-4KS3, DHI-NVR4104HS-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4108HS-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4108HS-8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4116HS-8P4KS3, DHI-NVR4204-4KS3, DHI-NVR4208-4KS3, DHI-NVR4216-4KS3, DHI-NVR4232-4KS3, DHI-NVR4204-P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4208-8P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4216-16P-4KS3, DHI-NVR4232-16P-4KS3

    • Digital Watchdog

    • Eneo
    ICB-62M2713MAA, IPD-42M2713PAA, IPD-52F0028MAA, IPD-42F0028PAA, IPB-62M2713MAA, IPD-62M2713MAA, ICB-62M0550MAA, ICB-72M2713MAA, IPD-52M2713MAA, IPD-72M2713MAA, ISM-78F0021W0A, ISM-72M2713W0A, ISM-72F0021W0A

    • HikVision
    iDS-9632NXI-M8/X(STD), iDS-96064NXI-I16(STD), DS-2CD3646G2T-IZSY, DS-2CD3046G2H-LI(U), DS-2CD3066G2H-LIU, DS-2CD3086G2H-LIU, DS-2CD3146G2H-LIS(U), DS-2CD3166G2H-LISU, DS-2CD3186G2H-LISU, DS-2CD3346G2H-LIS(U), DS-2CD3366G2H-LISU, DS-2CD3386G2H-LISU, DS-2CD3T46G2H-LIS(Y), DS-2CD3T66G2H-LISU, DS-2CD3T86G2H-LISU(Y), DS-2CD3046G2H-LIU/SL, DS-2CD3086G2H-LIU/SL, DS-2CD3346G2H-LISU/SL, DS-2CD3386G2H-LISU/SL, DS-2CD3T46G2H-LISU/SL, DS-2CD3T86G2H-LISU/SL, DS-2CD3046G2-IS, DS-2CD3066G2-IS, DS-2CD3086G2-IS, DS-2CD3146G2- IS(U), DS-2CD3166G2-IS(U), DS-2CD3186G2-IS(U), DS-2CD3346G2-IS(U), DS-2CD3366G2-IS(U), DS-2CD3386G2-IS(U), DS-2CD3546G2-IS, DS-2CD3566G2-IS, DS-2CD3586G2-IS, DS-2CD3646G2-IZS, DS-2CD3666G2-IZS, DS-2CD3686G2-IZS, DS-2CD3686G2T-IZS, DS-2CD3746G2-IZS, DS-2CD3766G2-IZS, DS-2CD3786G2-IZS, DS-2CD3T46G2-4IS, DS-2CD3T46G2-4ISY, DS-2CD3T66G2-4IS, DS-2CD3T86G2- 4IS, DS-2CD3T86G2-4ISY, DS-2CD3046G2-IU/SL, DS-2CD3346G2-ISU/SL, DS-2CD3T46G2-ISU/SL

    HWT-X2241-10-HLI-E2(10-50mm), HWT-X6741-20-GZ40-E2-Wp 4MP, HWT-M2241-10-ELI-E2(8- 32mm), U1-4LRV (4)(8-32)A AI

    • i-PRO(Panasonic)
    WV-S32402-F2L, WV-S32402-F2L1, WV-S32402-F2LG, WV-S35402-F2L, WV-S35402-F2L1, WV-S35402- F2LG, WV-X35402-F2L, WV-X35402-F2LM, WV-U31301-F2L, WV-U31301-F2LG, WV-U35301-F2L, WV-U35301-F2LG, WV-U31401-F2L, WV-U31401-F2LG, WV-U35401-F2L, WV-U35401-F2LG, WV-X22700- V2L, WV-X22600-V2L, WV-X22300-V3L, WV-X25700-V2LN, WV-X25600-V2LN, WV-X25300-V3LN, WV-X15700-V2L, WV-X15700-V2LN, WV-X15600-V2L, WV-X15600-V2LN, WV-X15300-V3L, WV-X15300- V3LN

    • JALUD Embedded s.r.o
    SED Server

    • Ventionex

    • Vivotek
    FD9187-HT-V3, FD9387-EHTV-V3, IB9387-EHTV-V3

    • ZeroTech

    Fixed Issues:

    Additionals Remarks

    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field
    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).
    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0

    MOBOTIX recommend to update to the latest Driver!


    Version 13.0a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-11-09

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.9b that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Please note, that installation of DP 10.0 and higher requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first!

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    MOBOTIX specific update:

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:

    Fixed Issues:

    Additionals Remarks

    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field
    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).
    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0

    MOBOTIX recommend to update to the latest Driver!

    Version 12.9b of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-09-25

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.9a that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Please note, that installation of DP 10.0 and higher requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first!

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Fix

    What has changed in this Device Pack compared to the Device Pack 12.9a:

    MOBOTIX recommend to update to the latest Driver!


    Version 12.9a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-08-31

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.9a that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Please note, that installation of DP 10.0 and higher requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first!

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    MOBOTIX specific update:

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:


    Fixed Issues:

    Additionals Remarks

    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field
    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).
    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0

    Version 12.8a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-07-14

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.8a that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Please note, that installation of DP 10.0 and higher requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first!

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:

    Fixed Issues:


    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field
    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).
    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0


    Version 12.7a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2023-04-26

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.7a that are supported in the following VMS versions:

    Please note, that installation of DP 10.0 and higher requires .Net 4.7 to be installed first!

    New device support for MOBOTIX MOVE

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:

    Fixed Issues:


    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field
    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).
    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0


    Version 12.6a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2022-03-03

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.6a that are supported all MOBOTIX HUB Version from L1 to L5.

    New device support for MOBOTIX MOVE

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:

    • Arecont Vision
    AV02CID-200, AV02CID-201, AV02CLD-200, AV2856DNIR, AV05CID-200, AV05CID-201, AV05CLD-200, AV5856DNIR, AV08CID-200, AV08CLD-200, AV8856DNIR, AV4956DN, AV10956DN, AV16956DN, AV20576DN, AV20576RS

    • Axis
    M3085-V, M3086-V, M3088-V, P1465-LE, P1468-XLE, Q6318-LE, Q6225-LE, P4707-PLVE, Q8615-E, F9114, Q1656-DLE

    • Bettini Srl.
    TB232LCHA221-I/L, TB232LDHA421-I/L, TD323LCHA221-I/L, TD323LDHA421-I/L, SD662CHA433-I/L, SD661CH233-I/L, TB212CHA22-I/L, TB212DHA42-I/L, TB232LEHA521-I/L, TBEN212D42-I/L, TD361EHA52-I/L, TD312CHA22-I/L, TDEN361D42-I/L, TDEN322D42-I/L, TD363LCHA221-I/L, TD363LEHA521-I/L, TDEN353LD421-I/L, TBEN212E22-I/L, TB232LCHA721-I/L

    BS-IPT4608G2MZ, BS-IPT4618G2, BS-IPT3608G2MZ, BS-IPT3618G2, BS-IPT4605G2MZ, BS-IPT4615G2, BS-IPT4615LG2, BS-IPT3605G2MZ, BS-IPT3615G2, BS-IPT3615LG2, BS-IPT3525G3+

    • Bosch
    FLEXIDOME indoor 5100i; NDV-5702-A, FLEXIDOME indoor 5100i IR; NDV-5702-AL, FLEXIDOME indoor 5100i; NDV-5703-A, FLEXIDOME indoor 5100i IR; NDV-5703-AL, FLEXIDOME outdoor 5100i; NDE-5702-A, FLEXIDOME outdoor 5100i IR; NDE-5702-AL, FLEXIDOME outdoor 5100i; NDE-5703-A, FLEXIDOME outdoor 5100i IR; NDE-5703-AL

    • Dahua

    • Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG
    Panomera S8 (MK2)


    • Hanwha Techwin
    XNF-9013RV, XNV-9083RZ, XNV-8083RZ, XNV-8083Z, XNV-6083RZ, XNV-6083Z, PNM-C9022RV

    • HikVision

    • Intelbras
    VIP 7200 TH FT

    • I-PRO(Panasonic)
    WV-B51300-F3, WV-B54300-F3, WV-S61300-ZY, WV-S61300-ZYG, WV-S61301-Z1, WV-S65300-ZY, WV-S65300-ZYG, WV-S65301-Z1, WV-S65301-Z1G, WV-S65302-Z2, WV-S65302-Z2G, WV-S65340-Z2G, WV-S65340-Z4G, WV-S61501-Z1, WV-S65501-Z1, WV-S65501-Z1G, WV-S65340-Z4N1, WV-S65301-Z1-1, WV-S65340-Z2N1, WV-S65301-Z1S, WV-S65302-Z2-1, WV-S65340-Z4, WV-S65340-Z2, WV-S8574LG, WV-S8573LG

    ʉۢ Johnson Controls
    SV-V05M024S-N, ISV-V05M023S-N, ISV-B05M024S-N, ISV-B05M023S-N, ISV-V02M015S-N, ISA-V02M015S-N, ISV-B02M015S-N, ISA-B02M015S-N, ISV-V04M015S-N, ISA-V04M015S-N, ISV-B04M015S-N, ISA-B04M015S-N,

    • Mobotix

    • Uniview

    • Vivotek
    IP9165-LPR-v2, MA9322-EHTVL, SD9161-H-v2

    • WatchNet


    Fixed Issues:


    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field

    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150722
    v5.3.0 build 150513
    v5.3.8 build 151224
    v5.3.10, build 150917

    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150707
    v5.3.9 build 150910

    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).

    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0


    Version 12.5c of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2022-01-13

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.5c that are supported all MOBOTIX HUB Version from L1 to L5.

    New device support for MOBOTIX MOVE

    Known Limitations

    Device Pack Updates

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    New device support for:

    Fixed Issues:


    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.

    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field

    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150722
    v5.3.0 build 150513
    v5.3.8 build 151224
    v5.3.10, build 150917

    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150707
    v5.3.9 build 150910

    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).

    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0


    Version 12.2a of MOBOTIX HUB Device Driver

    Published on: 2022-06-30

    New function for MOBOTIX IoT cameras

    For MOBOTIX IoT cameras of the Mx6 and Mx7 series, which are integrated into MOBOTIX HUB using the MOBOTIX specific device driver, now MxPEG and H.264 video codecs can be used simultaneously. This makes it possible to use the H.264 codec with low data rate and bandwidth requirements for the live view of a camera, while the same camera records with MxPEG codec to have the maximum image information available in the recordings.

    Known Limitations


    Version 12.1a of MOBOTIX HUB DriverInstaller

    Published on: 2022-05-12

    Device Compatibility Overview

    This release note lists the changes in Device Pack 12.1a that are supported all MOBOTIX HUB Version from L1 to L5.

    Device Pack Updates

    New firmware support for devices for the following partners:

    Additional support for specific features for the following partners and drivers:

    ONVIF updates:

    New “Home position preset” setting for choosing a custom PTZ preset as home position

    New device support for:

    Fixed Issues:


    Replace Hardware Remarks:

    Be aware that after using Replace Hardware and changing the license, the license should always be checked to verify that it is activated.

    4K Remarks:

    Due to the nature of 4K and the high resolution at high frame rates, this will increase the demand for high performing network, CPU, graphic adaptors, and monitors. Unless all components in the hardware infrastructure is prepared for a high load, there might be limitations seen as latency, stutter etc. 4K - Recommended MOBOTIX HUB version 2021 or newer, supporting HW accelerated decoding using the GPU

    ONVIF upgrade from DP 6.2 or earlier remarks:

    After upgrade, some ONVIF devices might not work. The new version of ONVIF now only shows features that a responding correctly through the ONVIF interface. Since MOBOTIX HUB L5 does not allow things like e.g. Audio, Input or similar to be removed, the ONVIF device will not be upgraded properly and hence not work. A work-around is to do replace hardware.
    After upgrade Video Stream 1 and 2 might not correctly reflect the actual settings on those profiles. This is due to the ONVIF driver only used to have two video streams, where you selected a profile, where it now will have a video stream for each profile. MOBOTIX HUB L5 “copies” the settings for each video stream
    when the driver is upgraded, so if Video Stream 1 or 2 did not have the correct profile that is now mapped to the stream it will show the same settings as before the upgrade even though the mapped profile might actually have other settings. The streams should work with the new settings unless some of these are not supported on the profile.
    Some settings might be missing because the driver now only looks for the different type of settings in the places, they should be according to standard.
    Some features might not work any longer because the driver now only looks for the features and corresponding settings in the places and in the format, they should have according to the standard. Profile names might get changed after the upgrade because we now use the names given by the device for the profiles. These will not always correspond to what was previously used.

    MOBOTIX remarks:

    For the Mobotix Q24 / Q25/ Q26: With JPEG streaming and use of Audio, there is a tradeoff between network bandwidth and audio quality. In order to lower the bandwidth, the user should tune the FPS of MxPEG codec settings in a way that audio quality still have a good quality.

    Axis Remarks:

    The Axis M, P and Q drivers (except P8221) have been replaced with four new dynamic drivers that also supports the new Axis Events handling. This means that all new devices added to a system will automatically be detected on one of the new drivers.
    Note: If your devices are using firmware 5.20 or lower then Events and I/O will not work with the new drivers. You should either upgrade to a newer firmware or manually select the driver to add the device. Be aware if you add the device manually and later upgrade the firmware you will need to do a Replace Hardware to change to the new driver.
    Note: Before Replacing Hardware to only change the driver and not the hardware please contact Support on how to do this correctly.
    AVHS: Due to a limitation in the firmware only 9 socket connections can be open on an AVHS device at any time. JPEG video streams, Audio In streams, Audio Out and Output streams use 1 socket connection each. H.264 video streams, Events, Inputs and Edge Storage use 2 connections each. This also means that when upgrading from a previous Device Pack to 7.3 all Channels should be disabled before the upgrade.
    AVHS: Audio Out does not work properly with firmware before 5.50 when running the 2013 or older versions. To get Audio Out to work in the 2013 or older versions with a firmware before 5.50 you need to either enable anonymous login or disable all authentication on the device. Audio Out will work with firmwares before 5.50 on the new 2014 versions.

    Axis S3008 Recorder integration

    (KB 000035801; KB 000034500)
    Axis S3008 Recorder is used as an external storage for camera devices added to MOBOTIX HUB VMS. It is not added as a separate hardware device.
    The cameras should be connected to Axis Recorder and properly set in Management client to retrieve the recordings.
    Setup steps:
    1. Connect the Axis S3008 Recorder to your device network.
    2. Define username and password for the Recorder.
    3. Add the camera devices in MOBOTIX HUB.
    4. For each device make the next settings in Management client:
      - Select the preferred stream used for recording from the drop-down menu in Settings tab > Stream number section > "Recorder stream index" field

    The following settings are dedicated to adjust the S3008 Recorder parameters: There are the following known limitations:

    Bosch remarks:

    For Bosch devices with FW 6.60 and above, adding might fail, if you use Auto Discovery method and have more than 3 unsuccessful tries with incorrect credentials. To avoid that, we recommend‚ manually add these Bosch devices with correct credentials.

    Hikvision remarks:

    Due to the new security policy introduced by Hikvision with the 5.3.x baseline firmware, adding Hikvision cameras may cause temporary lockout of devices, even if the correct username and password have been predefined. This can be avoided by disabling the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’ option on the camera’s webpage, if it is available in the firmware.

    Firmware versions supporting the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150722
    v5.3.0 build 150513
    v5.3.8 build 151224
    v5.3.10, build 150917

    Firmware versions without the ‘Enable Illegal Login Lock’:
    v5.3.8 build 150707
    v5.3.9 build 150910

    Recommended installation steps:
    For devices that have the ability to control the Illegal Login Lock:

    It is recommended to disable the Illegal Login Lock from camera’s web page prior adding the device to MOBOTIX HUB software. Enabling it afterwards will not affect the functionality of this camera.
    If disabling this feature is not an option, please mind the following:
    1. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    2. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    3. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    4. Use manual add method (auto discovery). For devices without Illegal Login Lock control in their webpage:
    5. Avoid using express scan. If this is not an option, please specify the username and password on top of the credentials’ list.
    6. When using IP range don’t define more than 1 password and username.
    7. If you need to add a lot of cameras with different credentials it is recommended using CSV file method.
    8. Use manual add method (auto discovery).

    Using firmware 5.5.0 and later versions
    With firmware 5.5.0 Onvif will no longer be enabled by default.
    To enabled it, you need to use the Hikvision’s tool which is found on their webpage or do it directly on the cameras homepage.
    Multi stream devices: Some Hikvision cameras has support for up to 10 streams. If stream 6 to 10 needs to be used it should be set up on the cameras webpage before the device is added to Milestone.
    Video will be lost if stream 6 to 10 is selected in Milestone and not set up on the cameras webpage.

    Panasonic remarks:

    Be aware that changing a stream setting on a device using i-Pro/Panasonic driver will apply the change on all its channels, due to device specifics.

    Stretch Remarks:

    To accommodate requests that the Stretch cards can run in a machine that has no Network card, the Stretch cards will from Device Pack 7.1 use a new scheme to retrieve a serial number. This means that when updating from a previous device pack, you need to run a Replace Hardware and get a new license for the Stretch cards to work.
    Stretch driver is last contained in Device Pack 11.2. It is included in Legacy device Pack 2.0

    Copyright © 2022, MOBOTIX AG, Germany,