Release Notes for MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins for Milestone XProtect

Document Information

Publisher: MOBOTIX AG
Author: Jörg Steuerwald
Date: 2023-12-15
Document: MxHUBPlug-InsForMilestone_2023-12-15_release-notes_en_v1.html
Confidentiality: public


After installing a Milestone XProtect VMS, the connected Milestone XProtect Smart Clients can be extended by specific functions such as the analysis of MOBOTIX IoT camera events with a corresponding MOBOTIX license by additionally installing MOBOTIX plug-ins on the Management Client computer.

Overview of the functions and the corresponding licences:

The following document contains information on the system requirements, installation, use and special functions of the individual MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins for Milestone versions

Overview of MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins for Milestone Releases

Release Version

Release Date

HUB Plug-Ins 2023-12-15
HUB Plug-Ins 2023-10-27 2023-10-27

Important Installation Notes

The current value for <Plug-Ins-Version> is specified specifically for the MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins version described below that is to be installed.

To install and use each feature, different requirements must be met, which are described below.

Notes and Requirements for Using the Milestone XProtect Smart Client Search Agent Function for the Forensic Search

The Search Agent function extension of the Milestone XProtect Smart Clients, which is available via the MOBOTIX HUB Plug-In, is used to search for event data of MOBOTIX IoT cameras that have been integrated into the Milestone XProtect system via a device-specific MOBOTIX driver (select Mobotix M/D/V/S series).

This version now supports a large set of search filters for data from Apps of the Mx7 camera models and MOBOTIX events within the Forensic Search of the Milestone XProtect Smart Client:

This feature requires version 1.4.6 or higher of the Vaxtor ALPR MMC App!
Management Client extensions for configuring the functions:
The dialog, which can be opened using the MOBOTIX HUB Configuration > Forensic Search Filter entry below the Transact area in the tree structure of the management client, has been extended so that all additional search filters for the installed Milestone XProtect Smart Clients can be (de-)activated there.
Note: The above dialog for (de-)activating the additional search functions in the Milestone XProtect Smart Clients is available after the Plug-Ins have been installed on the management client computer.

To do so, the following configuration steps must be performed in the IoT cameras and the Milestone XProtect beforehand.

Configuration in the MOBOTIX IoT camera

Configuration in the MOBOTIX HUB

To use the IoT camera events in the Milestone XProtect and the Milestone XProtect Smart Clients, the following settings must be made in the Milestone XProtect Management Client, depending on the event type:

For MOBOTIX 7 App Events

Subsequently, the triggering of an Analytics event configured in this way leads to a recording in the Recording Server and the result data can be searched in the Smart Client.

For Standard IoT Events

Subsequently, the triggering of the IoT camera events configured in this way leads to a recording in the Recording Server and the result data can be searched in the Smart Client.

Notes and requirements for using the Smart Client Thermal Dashboard function

The Thermal Dashboard function extension of the Milestone XProtect Smart Clients, available with the help of the MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins, enables the visualization of measured temperature curves of MOBOTIX thermal cameras that have been integrated into  the Milestone XProtect system via the device-specific MOBOTIX driver (Mobotix M/D/V/S series selection).

Supported camera models with thermal sensor are:

Important: Cameras with ECO Thermal modules do not support temperature measurement and are therefore not supported.

To display the temperature profiles, the following configuration steps must first be carried out in the thermal cameras and the Milestone XProtect.

Configuration in the MOBOTIX Thermal Camera

Thermal Graphs Extension of the layout elements in the Milestone XProtect Smart Client

After installing the MOBOTIX Plug-Ins package, a camera layout with the new Thermal Graph element can be added to the Milestone XProtect Smart Client in Setup Mode. After inserting the Thermal Graph element, the data source for the thermal temperature data is determined by the corresponding thermal camera. The user can freely choose from which Hotspot or Thermal Measuring window the temperature curves should be drawn. Through specific threshold values, a color visualization can inform the user when the temperature threshold value is exceeded or undercut.

In layouts, temperature curves of the Hotspots or Thermal Measurement windows of a MOBOTIX thermal camera can also be combined with the camera stream in a layout. This allows the user to monitor the current temperature condition of his system and he can also analyze the temperature curve in the past. This evaluation helps to identify and avoid risks.

The following main features are available to the user:

Notes and Requirements for Using the MOBOTIX SYNC Dashboard Function

In the Milestone XProtect Smart Client, the new MOBOTIX SYNC element can be added to a camera layout in Setup Mode after installing the MOBOTIX Plug-Ins package. After inserting the MOBOTIX SYNC element, the selected SYNC (Grafana) dashboard is displayed in the layout. By clicking on the dashboard, the user can change the size of the display. Clicking on an entry of the vehicle list or on the displayed graph jumps to the time in the playback in the corresponding camera. This allows the user to verify the recorded SYNC Dashboard data with the recorded video.  In the SYNC Dashboard itself, the user has further options available, such as Inspect License or context menus that can be opened by right-clicking on a list item or on the graphical view. In principle, the same options are available to the user as when directly accessing the MOBOTIX SYNC Dashboards with the browser.

The following main features are available to the user:

Necessary configuration steps besides the basic installation of MOBOTIX HUB, MOBOTIX HUB Plug IN and MOBOTIX Sync with Grafana extension are:


Important: If the Milestone XProtect already contains a SYNC configuration, the admin has to explicitly enable the MOBOTIX SYNC tab in the Management Client (checkbox Display tab in Smart Client).

MOBOTIX Cloud function

After installation and configuration of the MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins, a new register is available within the Milestone XProtect Smart Client in which the web-based user interface of an existing MOBOTIX Cloud system can be operated.
Configuration and use of the MOBOTIX Cloud function

After installing the MOBOTIX HUB Plug-Ins on the Management Client computer of the Milestone XProtect system, there is an  additional entry MOBOTIX Cloud in the tree structure of the Management Client below  the Transact area. In the dialog displayed in this way, a name, the connection data to the existing MOBOTIX Cloud System and optionally desired user restrictions must  be entered. The name given here is then used to display an additional register of the same name in the connected Smart Clients of the Milestone XProtect system, in which the web-based user interface of the MOBOTIX cloud system is offered. There, the cameras to be used, among other things, can be configured and the other functions of the system are available.

The following main features are available to the user:

In addition to the installation of Milestone XProtect and MOBOTIX HUB Plug IN, the necessary configuration steps include access to cameras in a sub account of the MOBOTIX CLOUD.


Important: A MOBOTIX CLOUD Reseller Account cannot be used because it does not contain any cameras!

Note on using the MOBOTIX Cloud function

The connection to the MOBOTIX Cloud System using this function extension is always established automatically with the access data previously defined in the Management Client. The additional use of a web browser with the associated security risks is then no longer necessary to access the MOBOTIX Cloud System.

Camera configuration option for IoT and MOVE cameras in the Management Client

After installing this Plug-Ins version on the Management Client computer, there is an additional entry MOBOTIX HUB Configuration > Device Configuration in the tree structure of the Management Client under the Transact area. There, additional options for configuring IoT and MOVE camera models can be (de-)activated. By default, all options are enabled there. As a result, after selecting an IoT or MOVE camera in the Devices > Cameras area or in the Server > Recording Server area in the tree structure of the Management Client, additional tabs are available to set the corresponding camera parameters for the selected camera.

For the IoT models, the following configuration tabs are offered:

By selecting one of these tabs, the associated web browser page of the camera is opened in the Management Client and the various settings can be made directly in it.

For MOVE cameras, the following additional tab is available:

Selecting this tab opens the web browser page for configuring all adjustable parameters of the MOVE camera in the Management Client.

Notes and requirements for using the pre-version of the MOBOTIX NurseAssist Dashboard function

In the Milestone XProtect Smart Client, a camera layout with the new MOBOTIX NurseAssist element can be added as required in setup mode after installing the plug-in package. After inserting the MOBOTIX NurseAssist element, the "case status" of the linked "C71 NurseAssist" is displayed with a coloured icon tile in the layout. This allows the nursing staff in the "nurses' room" to have an overview of the "case situation" on their floor WITHOUT disturbing their privacy with a permanent live display. The tile view of the status tab can be switched to a live image if required.

The following main features are available to the user:

In addition to the basic installation of Milestone XProtect, MOBOTIX HUB Plug IN and MOBOTIX C71 NurseAssist, the following configuration steps are required:



New Function:

Forensic Search (Search Agents)

PreVersion of the MOBOTIX NurseAssist Dashboard function

In the Milestone XProtect Smart Client, a camera layout with the new MOBOTIX NurseAssist element can be added as required in setup mode after installing the plug-in package. After inserting the MOBOTIX NurseAssist element, the "fall status" of the linked "C71 NurseAssist" is displayed with a coloured icon tile in the layout. This allows the nursing staff in the "nurses' room" to have an overview of the "fall situation" on their floor WITHOUT disturbing their privacy with a permanent live display. The tile view of the status tab can be switched to a live image if required.

The following main features are available to the user:

Improvements / bug fixing:



MOBOTIX HUB Plug In for Milestone XProtect VMS - November 2023

New Function:

It's the first version!

Verbesserungen /Fehlerbehebung

It's the first version!

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